When Only The Light of Love Remains

Towards the full moon

by Rahul Kumar

The unraveling of Self realization is very much like witnessing the dynamic phases of the waxing moon. First we only notice a sickle shaped moon in the waning light of dusk suspended over the horizon. We know for the first time its existence and feel it’s cooling radiance in the silhouette of the night fall upon our skin.

Slowly as the moon expands, its light increases and we feel it’s coolness with greater certainty and intensity, but we also start to notice, that it has got craters, uneven features, in the increasing light we become increasingly aware of the imperfections that were already there.

Then starts the process of spiritual cleansing where we try to improve upon the imperfections and unevenness of our inner being and diligently work them out but with the detachment that we are not the imperfections, but the light and we improve and cleanse the mirror of our inner being so that it can be a better reflector of the light.

This is a crucial stage which many of you have arrived at, kudos to you, for facing yourself in the mirror can be a daunting task, it requires a lot of courage and honesty to accept the state of your inner being and perseverance and patience to work it out. It is easy to ignore it, to deny it and go back to the comfort of the known of the previous.

The next step is to sustain your state, the expanse of your awareness, your experience of joy, by keeping the horizon clear of clouds by letting the cool breeze blow continuously through regular practice of meditation(individual & collective), introspection and subtle cleansing as needed based upon vibratory feedback of your Kundalini, if we do so diligently without misidentifying or getting bogged down by our imperfections then invariably, we witness the dawning of fuller and fuller phases of the moon arrive on the horizon of our consciousness.

When the complete moon arrives, it’s light floods our consciousness, in that light lost are the craters and the unevenness, lost are all distinctions of you and me, only light of love remains.

It is that light in its very fullness that inspired Rumi to write these words below. In that full experience of light of divine love lies our destiny and ultimate freedom. It is love that inspires us, guides us and ultimately takes us to itself just as waves rise out of ocean, are of ocean and fall back into the ocean.

Where is that moon that never rises or sets?

Where is that soul that is neither with nor without us?

Don’t say it is here or there.

All creation is Him but for the eyes that can see.


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