The 6th Step: Balance


In perfect balance we have from everything equally. Moving out to gain more of one side will always result in having less on the other.


We experience complete balance when our emotions and desires (shown in the figure as the blue channel) work in perfect harmony with our actions (the yellow channel). On such days everything will be in the flow and even the most grumpy person will not be able to spoil your day but on the contrary might be shocked about the big undisturbed smile you might give him.

Most of us surely have enjoyed such days but when it comes to keep this pleasant state we might have ended up with a big question mark.

The 6th Step:

It is easy to say “find your balance” but unfortunately it is not that simple. We first have to understand what  throws us out of balance and the effect of it on our subtle system. Only then we are able to make changes.

Imagine an airplane with only one wing, or one wheel. Everyone knows that it will never take off. The same principle applies for our subtle system. If we have only developed the right channel but not the left or vice versa we might face difficulties to reach our objectives.


If we go too much into our left channel representing our emotions, desires or the past we lose touch with our right channel which is the power of action. This can result in continuous drowsiness, lethargy, exhaustion, feeling depressed and in a later stage becoming suicidal.

sunIf we push ourselves too much into the right channel, thinking a lot and constantly planning the future we lose touch with our left channel which is our emotions. This results in a lack of attention, restlessness, becoming more impatient and ending up with outbursts of anger or violent behavior.

When we are in balance we are in the present moment. In this state we are in complete control of our thoughts – if we want we can think, if we do not want we can stop our thoughts. We are not dragged down by our emotions nor are we beaten up by our demands and expectations what we have to reach. Everything we do becomes effortless and enjoyable.

-test-clipart-9Here is a small test:

Take a pen and a paper and over the day (maybe every hour) check in on yourself and see what you were thinking right then.

Write it down.

At the end of the day determine if your thoughts were more about the past or the future. This will give you a good idea if you tend to go into your left side or into your right.

Another test:

Watch people around you and try to determine if they are moving in the left channel (past, emotions, desires), in the right channel (futuristic, dynamic, thinking a lot) or in the center channel (balanced and in harmony with oneself and others).

The Goal

Thoughtless Awareness

Finding your balance means first of all to start being in the present moment by becoming thoughtless.

One can compare it with the state of a child. Children do not think about the past or the future. They are most of the time in the here and now. Therefore their attention is complete and can absorb everything around them apart from having seemingly unlimited energy that is not wasted by thought processing.

The Exercise

With the awakening of our Inner Energy, the Kundalini, balancing our left and right side becomes simple. When you meditate your Kundalini helps you to clear your thoughts and to calm down your emotions. If you have not done the guided meditation to awaken the Kundalini, yet, then see Step 1.

During the week-days there are live on-line meditations from 8:00-08:30 PM Eastern Time which you can join here:
These live meditations are being recorded, so that you can meditate also at any other time of the day with a guided meditation, if you wish to.

Here is a meditation with simple techniques how to clear the left and right side. This will help you to come into your center and enjoy the state of thoughtless awareness.


In the following workshop Shri Mataji shows more techniques to clear the left and right side with the help of different elements:



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