Finding Inner Silence in a Chaotic World: The Importance of Shri Mataji’s Teachings

Experience real transformation with our FREE online meditation course. Learn about the power of inner silence that connects us with the universe.

In today’s chaotic world, where stress and turmoil are constant companions, finding a moment of peace can seem like an impossible task.
However, Shri Mataji’s profound teachings not only offer deep knowledge but also provide transformational experiences that guide us on how to navigate the challenges of modern life with resilience and clarity.

With the awakening of the Kundalini, an effortless inner transformation is set in motion, similar to how a seed grows into a tree without doing anything by itself. The only requirement is to meditate morning and evening and use the clearing techniques given by Shri Mataji to help open our chakras more and more. Through this practice, we begin to have deep transformative experiences that enable us to achieve a profound state of inner silence and thoughtless awareness in which everything becomes possible.

This world is today in the most chaotic conditions. So at that time a kind of a silence will come within you. When there will be any crisis, immediately you will become extremely silent. But this is again a state, I am telling you.

So now, if there is something that makes you upset or makes you unhappy, try to reach that point, that axis, which is just silence. And this silence will make you really powerful because this silence is not only yours.
When you are in that silence you are in the silence of the cosmos, silence of the cosmos. And the silence of the cosmos works for you. You are in connection with that cosmic Power, we can call it. But it’s more than that, it’s Divine Power, I should say: Divine power which is working all the cosmos also.
Shri Mataji

How to Embrace Inner Silence

  1. Meditation Practice: Regular meditation helps in reaching a state of thoughtless awareness and connects you with the Divine power.
  2. Clearing Techniques: Utilize Shri Mataji’s clearing techniques to open and balance your chakras, facilitating deeper transformative experiences.
  3. Spiritual Growth: Introspection is key for our spiritual growth and understanding, enhancing our connection with the cosmic silence. With the practice of Sahaja Yoga you will find a completely new form how to introspect and how to know yourself.
  4. Community Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals who support and encourage each other on their spiritual journeys. When we meditate together, the vibrations become exponentially more powerful. While individual meditations help us understand our personal state, collective meditations provide an unparalleled boost. The collective vibrations clear you in ways that are unattainable alone.

To make meditation easy and joyful, we have created a free 21-day online course just for you. We offer 21-day meditation sessions throughout the year. You can watch the recordings of all the programs here. Don’t miss it! Come and join these meditations and experience what true transformation looks like: a new lighter you, a new joyful you, a new you that is growing in the collective consciousness.

MeditationJourney #SpiritualAwakening #RajaRajeshwari #SahajaYoga #FreeMeditationCourse

Achieve Thoughtless Awareness and Inner Silence: Join the FREE Online 21-Days-Meditations Course:

There is no other meditation course like this anywhere with extensive knowledge, profound transformational experiences, the manifestation of collective consciousness, and the option to have a mentor by your side to guide you—and all this for FREE always!

Discover the Truth Within Yourself – Sahaja Yoga Welcomes You!

Come Meditate With Us

Join the FREE online 21-Days-Meditations Course

Discover the Truth Within Yourself – Sahaja Yoga Welcomes You!

Session 3 started on May 2nd, marking the start of another 21-day course of meditations. These sessions progressively build upon each other but are open to join at any time. They provide continuous guidance, ensuring support whenever needed.
We are committed to accompanying you throughout your journey, ensuring you never feel alone in navigating these practices.

Below is a list of what you’ll receive upon joining:

🔮𝗞𝗲𝘆 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀:

⚜️ Awaken your inner energy for positive change.

⚜️ Explore the realms of spiritual ascent and the chakras.

⚜️ Attain thoughtless awareness through daily meditation.

👇 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀:

🟢 Guided Online Meditations

🟢 Every program a new topic to go deeper within

🟢 Platform with recordings and handouts

🟢 Live music

🟢 Q & As

🟢 Long-time meditators sharing their personal experiences

🟢 Breakout rooms throughout the session if you have questions

🟢 WhatsApp Community for latest updates and support

🟢 Get your personal mentor to assist you in your spiritual growth!

🟢 Everything and always FREE

You can find the recordings of all sessions by scrolling down the page.

Click on “+ Session 1 (Day1 – Day21) and you will find the videos together with the handouts referring to topics of that day.

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