Tag: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Unraveling the Meaning Behind ‘I’m Not Guilty’: A Journey of Self-Reflection

by Hitesh Dear friends, today I’d like to share a new song we recently made. It’s called ‘Stray’. The song is about understanding that we all need to give ourselves a chance to correct ourselves and not repeat the same mistakes. The concept of… Continue Reading “Unraveling the Meaning Behind ‘I’m Not Guilty’: A Journey of Self-Reflection”

Real Consciousness on the Central Nervous System

If you are seeking spiritual awakening and verifiable experiences then please join our FREE online meditation course or access the recordings of the meditation sessions. A Sahaja Yoga Practitioner’s Reflection:Reality and How We Perceive It – Sylvia For me, reading the words:“Is a consciousness, means on… Continue Reading “Real Consciousness on the Central Nervous System”

Self-Love in Spirituality

If you are seeking to manifest self-love and you would like to discover a new way of introspection and self-discovery then please join our FREE online meditation course or access the recordings of the meditation sessions. A Sahaja Yoga Practitioner’s Reflection: Introspection, the Importance of Loving… Continue Reading “Self-Love in Spirituality”

We Are All One

In Sahaja Yoga there is no hierarchy nor is anyone superior or inferior. We are one in our spiritual growth.

Forgiveness mantra

Neutralizing negativity through forgiveness.

Finding Fulfillment: Sahaja Yoga Practices for Personal Growth

Sahaja Yoga Wisdom: The Power of Accumulating Experiences of Love
– a Sahaja Yogi’s insight on personal growth and meaningful connections

Cultivating Attention in Meditation

Tips for meditation growth:Sahaja Yoga practitioner’s advice “We aren’t philosophers, neither masters of our art but just share a bit of advice which has worked out well for us. One such thing I have learnt is that it’s very hard to be attentive, so… Continue Reading “Cultivating Attention in Meditation”