Tag: Kundalini

Forgiveness mantra

Neutralizing negativity through forgiveness.

Discovering Divine Love: A Reflection on Shri Mataji’s Timeless Wisdom

A Sahaja Yoga Practitioner’s Experience: – Sylvia When I started in Sahaj a booklet was given to the class which includes this quote, which was exactly what I needed to know at the time. It still fills me with wonder, and security. Hope it… Continue Reading “Discovering Divine Love: A Reflection on Shri Mataji’s Timeless Wisdom”

What Is the Experience of the Second Birth? And how is it connected with the Pentecost?

Many things in the scriptures of which we think that they are symbolic, like “the water of life”, “the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost” are actually real and have to be experienced. Only then you can say that you have gotten your Second Birth.

A Seeker said he dreads already the day when the 21-Day Meditation course is over!! It is too good to meditate with hundreds of people together and learning so much!

It is never too late to join! Don’t miss the live sessions! Meditate together with a group of 300-400 people!

Today We Celebrate the Return of The Sun!

Warmth of the Sun represents the Warmth of God’s Love. 

How To Achieve World Peace

How To Achieve World Peace
“Peace within will only bring the peace outside. Whatever we are inside is expressed outside.” – Shri Mataji

All the scriptures talked about the “second birth” but what does it mean?

When the dormant power inside of us is awakened we receive a new sense, means we start feeling a new energy flowing in our hands and over the head: the cool breeze described in all the scriptures…

Small Habits Make a Big Difference: The One Tiny Step That Makes Meditation Really Easy

There is a rising awareness about the amazing benefits of meditation but it is often really hard for people to get into it. Know that there is nothing wrong with you. You just need the right meditation technique.

Seekers of Truth – a question of becoming

Seekers of Truth – a question of becoming
There are barriers within us,
built in, not because of anything else,
but only because we have misled ourselves.


Accepting what is given with love is as much giving as giving with love itself.